New submission deadline: 14th of February 2021

We are happy to announce that many have already registered for NBM@Halmstad 2021! However, due to several requests, we would like to offer an extension for submissions until 14th February 2021. 

We would also like to announce that there are several relevant further publication opportunities well-aligned with the key topic of the conference. The official calls for papers are already available:

·      JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION: Special Issue on Assessing and forecasting the sustainability impact of new ventures

·      JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS: Special issue on Save our cities? Exploring the intersection of ethics, diversity and inclusion, and social innovation in revitalizing urban environments


o   The global scope of corporate sustainability: Multinational firms, supply chains, and the private governance of social and environmental issues

o   Special issue on Business Model Innovations in a Disruptive Global Environment: An International Marketing Perspective

·      JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY: Special Issue on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment for Sustainable Development Goals

We invite contributions that bridge disciplinary boundaries as a means of tackling the systemic and complex nature of the grand challenges on one hand, and business models for sustainability on the other from various disciplines to address a broad variety of domains (e.g., energy, mobility, health, agriculture, food, finance, or retail) from a broad variety of perspectives (e.g., theoretical, conceptual, or empirical).

Furthermore, NBM@Halmstad 2021 will offer:

What the conference will offer:

·      16 different tracks

·      100+ presentations from international business model scholars

·      Expert feedback on every submission and presentation

·      Doctoral workshop with leading senior faculty: - Charles Baden-Fuller, Jan Jonker, Joan Enric Ricart, Jonas Gabrielsson, Jonatan Pinkse, Minna Halme, Nancy Bocken, Stefan Schaltegger, Svante Andersson, and Yuliya Snihur

·      Several hands-on workshops showcasing business modelling tools and approaches

·      Top-level keynotes: Mats Alvesson, Minna Halmé, Peter Wells, Thomas Ritter, Wendy Stubbs, and more

·      Special issues for further publication possibilities, incl. Journal of Cleaner Production; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Industrial Ecology.

·      The opportunity to connect to the broader New Business Model community 

NBM@Halmstad 2021 is hosted online by the Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Learning research (CIEL), Halmstad University. 

You are invited to submit different types of contributions (word count excl. references):

  • Extended abstracts (700-1,200 words)

  • Short papers (up to 2,500 words)

  • Full papers (up to 6,000 words)

Please download and use the submission guidelines and templates. These contain further information on how to format submissions to NBM@Halmstad 2021: submission guidelines

Download the call for contributions and the submission guidelines from the conference website: 

We are looking forward to seeing you at NBM@Halmstad 2021!


Maya Hoveskog and Fawzi Halila, Conference Chairs

For any inquiries, please contact:

Florian Lüdeke-Freund