Registration & Submission

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Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts, short papers and full papers until 14 February 2021 through the registration and submission system (ConfTool). Accepted contributions must be revised and resubmitted until 23 April 2021. All accepted and timely (re-)submitted contributions will be referenced in the conference proceedings. Contributions must be submitted to one of the proposed sessions. 

Template for extended abstracts 

Template for short papers 

Template for full papers 

Read more

Session details

Submission Guidelines 

Submit your paper

Höst på campus Högskolan i Halmstad - 20151006 - joachimbrink - 008.JPG


Registration is open!

Register here

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Conference fees

PhD students/students e-ticket: 80 eur 

Standard e-ticket: 120 eur 


Deadline for payment – 30 April 2021